8 Dog-Friendly Beaches in the United States

When you go to the beach, you want the entire family to be there...

Visit These Countries For The Food

  When you start thinking of where to travel to, you definitely will have a...

Beach Camping Tips: 6 Things You Cannot Afford To...

Most travelers are on the lookout for adventure and new experiences. Everybody's been to...

Taking a Road Trip in Australia

Australia, with its vast natural features, offers one of the best road trip experiences....

Belgium Travel: Must See Places

Belgium, a small European country wadding a big punch in terms of tourist attractions,...

Hi Everyone, My name is Chris Hill and I love to travel. In fact at only 38 I have been to over 120 countries. I love the world and everything it has to offer, so I decided to build a travel website to help my fellow travelers.

My Favorite Continents


If I have ever seen magic, it has been in Africa


Asia is rich in people, and rich in culture.


Being lost in Australia is bliss.


Your flowers, your wine, your bread and music.

Must Read

Searching For Travel Deals

It is quite easy to get ripped off while seeking suitable accommodations, especially while...

Traveling Over The Holidays

As we are approaching the Holiday season, I’d like to offer some easy travel...

Rideshare: Convenient and Affordable

  So “ride share” has become an extremely popular trend, especially when traveling to and...


Best Beach Camping Locations in the US

The United States is blessed with many astounding beaches, but not all beaches are...

Single Cruises

There are large custom single group rates available aboard multiple cruise ships  throughout the...

Niagra Falls In One Glorious Photo

  Have you ever viewed a spectacular photograph that provoked you to wonder where its’...

Rideshare: Convenient and Affordable

  So “ride share” has become an extremely popular trend, especially when traveling to and...

Belgium Travel: Must See Places

Belgium, a small European country wadding a big punch in terms of tourist attractions,...

Lovill House Inn, Boone, NC

Sometimes the body and mind require a mountain retreat and Boone, North Carolina tucked...

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For the past couple of years, I’ve made it my mission (whenever possible) to only...

7 Things You Absolutely Must Pack When Going to...

We’ve already published an article on beach safety for all of you to read....

“Carry-On” Gets You To The Finish Line

I don’t know about you but when I travel it has become more of...

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